
building on the foundation of Jesus Christ

Archive for the tag “Change is Inevitable”

Spring Forward

It’s a new season – so the calendar says. The clock was moved forward just a couple of weeks ago. The sun as moved into its new position. Birds are chirping away; flowers are blooming and the pollen is pooling at the edges of puddles. Yes, it’s spring. And maybe it’s a new season for me as well. At least, I hope so.

Ever since my Dad died last September, I have been in a funk. I can’t really say it’s a product of grief. I just have been out of sorts. Did it have anything to do with my Dad’s death? I don’t know. My grieving for him has been quite different from the way I grieved over my Mom’s passing. I don’t understand the difference. Maybe it was because Mom’s death was quite sudden (two months of sickness) versus Dad’s which was a slow descent to death’s door (over two or three years). Nevertheless, I am ready to move forward into a new season. I’m done with the funk!

A couple of months ago, the natural healthcare doctor I work for bought her own place; and we moved to the new space within a matter of days. It’s a very small practice with just three of us running the show. The doc, an office administrator and me. You could ask me what I do at the practice, and I might give you a bit of a pause before answering. I wear many hats there.

Ever since we moved, I have been the IT person, the phone person, the financial person, the maintenance person and even the cleaning person. I really enjoy the many hats. I never know what I will be called to do when I walk through the door. I actually like that kind of variety. Oh, the thing that I really get paid to do is be the assistant to the doctor. I work with her and her patients as we help them on their healing journey. That’s pretty cool! I feel like this is my calling and I am totally stoked that I get to do this and get paid for it!

But something’s missing. For the last few months, I just feel off. I have had my own healing journey over the last few years and I feel like that too is almost done. So what’s next? What am I prepared for in God’s perfect timing?

Waiting. It’s a hard thing to do. It feels like I have been waiting for something all my life. I am free to move forward in everything God calls me to. For eight years, I have been preparing for something else. I moved into the role at the doctor’s office three years ago. It’s been a constant learning process. We learn new things all the time. Researchers are discovering new things all the time. And we learn from their due diligence. The work environment is a learning environment. That too is a good thing. We need to stay hungry for new ideas and approaches to enrich our lives.

The patients who come through our doors are seeking answers. Sometimes it’s hard to help them find those answers when so many things are wrong in their approach to healing. Sometimes, it takes a gentle rebuke to get them to think differently and to move into a new lifestyle that will be conducive to healing.

Each individual comes in with different expectations. Some are expecting a miracle cure from the doctor that really doesn’t exist for what really ails them. And it’s sad to witness their lack of understanding and their lack of follow through. They usually just walk away.

But then there are others who come through the door and embrace change. They realize what they’ve done in the past hasn’t helped, so it’s time for a change. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different outcome. In order to have a different outcome, it means change. Change is a good thing. A new season is a good thing. But it comes with a cost.

Change. It means moving out of our comfort zones. It may mean moving to a new area. It may mean leaving something behind we love in order to embrace something new. But if God calls us to it, there will be something better with embracing the new.

We are called to listen and respond to what the Holy Spirit is nudging us to do. The nudge could change our whole world, but most likely it will change someone else’s. One thing we might need to change is our attitude about change. God may be calling us to something new. Are you prepared for it? I think I am. Let’s move forward in embracing the new season and see what God will do in us and through us while we jump into His will with joy!

Trust in the Lord with all your heart;
do not depend on your own understanding.
Seek his will in all you do,
and he will show you which path to take.

Don’t be impressed with your own wisdom.
Instead, fear the Lord and turn away from evil.

Then you will have healing for your body
and strength for your bones.

Proverbs 3:5-8 (NLT)

Unsettled Times

Last Saturday I had an encounter with someone at the gym that I have not seen in a few years. We have emailed a few times since I last saw her but our interactions have been minimal. She had emailed just a few days before our encounter to tell me she was leaving the area. She sold her house and would be traveling the country to share her views on the political front as well as tell others about Jesus along the way. God had given her peace to do this mission.

The encounter left me unsettled. I don’t like talking politics. I don’t like conflict and avoid it if possible. So when I ran into this lady at the gym, I wished her well on her travels and hope she succeeded in whatever way God was leading her. If God has led her in this way, He has a plan for her to accomplish and I ask for His guidance for her.

However, one comment she made during our encounter left me a bit perplexed. She said “You can’t love Jesus and support Trump.” She’s very passionate about her views. So for the next two years, she will be advocating for another change. I think we all want change. But my change might be different from what someone else would want. We all have a different perspective as to what we want to see happen for the future.

I have written and told others I believe God put Trump in office. I told her the same. She did too. She believes God put him there to “wake us up.” I believe the nation did wake up. I think this past election stirred the atmosphere in an unprecedented way. Something was unleashed. I wrote about it last week. There is just something different happening which we have not ever seen before – at least in my lifetime.

I lived through the Vietnam War era. Someone had written recently about the turbulence in the McCarthy era. Yes, those were unsettled times. I believe this time is something completely different. There is no more middle ground. Obama wanted change. Trump advocated change to make America great again. Change is occurring radically throughout this world. It’s happening faster than we ever seen. But I don’t know what this change means for America. I don’t know God’s time or plan for America.

One thing I do know is God’s plan for Israel. I believe Trump is in office because of Israel. Whatever needs to be set in motion for the final days is God’s agenda. America is not in the Bible unless it’s hidden in terms I don’t understand. Israel is though. The things going on today is falling into place for the end time prophecies. Israel and Jerusalem are the stumbling blocks for all nations. And we see this happening before our eyes. America could be the blame for this. We have advocated for Jerusalem and for Israel since Trump came to office. The world is not too happy with us or with Israel.

In the end we are told from Scripture there will be a one world system. If this is the case, then everything we know in America has to be removed. The constitution could not stand in this new world order. Our freedoms will end. Our economy and our dollar will crash in order for the New World Government to rise. Everything that makes America, America – home of the free, home of the brave – will come to an end.

We are at a tipping point. The mid-term elections will be significant for our future. It is a hinge moment. I think this is one of those moments we need to plead for God to intervene once again. As followers of Jesus, we are the ones who can bring the change. We can ask the One on High to change hearts and minds to think and act more like Jesus. We can ask for a miracle to bring unity in this great nation. We can go boldly before Him and ask. And we know He listens to His people and responds when we pray in His will.

Maybe by His grace, we’ll be given more time to continue to be a great nation who advocates for the welfare of His people in Israel and to win more souls for the Kingdom. As Peter and John prayed in the beginning of the church age, let us do our part and stir the heavens for God’s glory. Let it be said of us we didn’t shrink back in these days but came with boldness to proclaim the Good News!

So now, Lord, listen to their threats to harm us. Empower us, as your servants, to speak the word of God freely and courageously. Stretch out your hand of power through us to heal, and to move in signs and wonders by the name of your holy Son, Jesus!”

At that moment the earth shook beneath them, causing the building they were in to tremble. Each one of them was filled with the Holy Spirit, and they proclaimed the word of God with unrestrained boldness. Acts 4:29-31 (TPT)

Eyes Open

Tomorrow things will change once again. A new president will be sitting in the oval office. With new leadership always brings a change. Each man has brought their own agenda into that office. It’s inevitable. Change happens with increasing frequency. It is undetermined at this point whether it’s going to be a good change or a bad change, and it will depend upon our own perspective – we have an agenda as well. Does the change meet our approval based on what we perceive is right in our own eyes?

After this past year, I don’t know what to expect from this point on. The one constant in all the years previously, is God. He is still on the throne, and He is still in charge. I do believe God’s hand has been all over this election cycle. It has to be since there has been no other explanation as to why this election has been so radically different from all the others previously and who we have coming into office tomorrow. God has His own agenda – and it’s the one that will be ultimately fulfilled. He causes the rise and fall of every nation. It’s to be determined which will be the case for us over the next few years.

Judgment is coming at some point. It has to be. God cannot let disobedience stand. We have some things in our past (and our present) that will have to be called into account. The one thing that keeps us in God’s favor is our stand with Israel. However, even that has been shaky for the last few years. God said He will bless those who stand with Israel and curse those who don’t. Every action we take against Israel has been shown as our detriment. The latest stand was abstaining from a critical vote against Israel. We did not vote against the United Nations agenda against Israel. We let it pass.

The agenda is to pass a two-state solution for Israel and Palestine to live in peace together. However, Israel will have to give up some land in order for this to happen. I will not attempt to go into the details because I don’t know the full story. I just know that giving up land has never been a good thing for the people of Israel. This is God’s land. This was His promised land to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob; to Moses; to Joshua; and to the future of the world. All eyes are on Israel; the epicenter of events to come. God has an agenda that will be fulfilled, and it all comes to that little spit of land hanging on the side of the Middle East. Everybody wants a piece of it.

God is moving each piece into place for the events to come. Our nation’s part is still to be seen. However, I think God’s move with this presidency will determine our future. Judgment or blessing will be determined by how we look toward the future with Israel. Trump has said he will stand with Israel, but has the cards already been played that will tie our hands to the future? Will we see the link between our standing against Israel in the latest vote and what happens next for us as a nation? Or will we blame it all on Trump? Will he be our scapegoat? Time will tell.

I really don’t know what’s going to happen next. My feeling is something is already in the works. I feel a shaken is inevitable. There has to be. We cannot continue on this same path without some major foundation shifting that will open our eyes and stir our hearts. I believe that is on God’s agenda as well. Change is coming whether we like it or not. We are not supposed to stay the same. Sameness is boring. Change can be exciting. It’s our perspective that will give us anxiety or excitement. I choose excitement because I believe God is at work; and He is in control bringing about His purpose, and it will be to our good. My eyes are open for His glory to be revealed. Stand with me and watch Him work – it’s going to be amazing to see.

“Today I have given you the choice between life and death, between blessings and curses. Now I call on heaven and earth to witness the choice you make. Oh, that you would choose life, so that you and your descendants might live! You can make this choice by loving the Lord your God, obeying him, and committing yourself firmly to him. This is the key to your life. And if you love and obey the Lord, you will live long in the land the Lord swore to give your ancestors Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.” Deuteronomy 30:19-20 (NLT)

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