
building on the foundation of Jesus Christ

Unsettled Times

Last Saturday I had an encounter with someone at the gym that I have not seen in a few years. We have emailed a few times since I last saw her but our interactions have been minimal. She had emailed just a few days before our encounter to tell me she was leaving the area. She sold her house and would be traveling the country to share her views on the political front as well as tell others about Jesus along the way. God had given her peace to do this mission.

The encounter left me unsettled. I don’t like talking politics. I don’t like conflict and avoid it if possible. So when I ran into this lady at the gym, I wished her well on her travels and hope she succeeded in whatever way God was leading her. If God has led her in this way, He has a plan for her to accomplish and I ask for His guidance for her.

However, one comment she made during our encounter left me a bit perplexed. She said “You can’t love Jesus and support Trump.” She’s very passionate about her views. So for the next two years, she will be advocating for another change. I think we all want change. But my change might be different from what someone else would want. We all have a different perspective as to what we want to see happen for the future.

I have written and told others I believe God put Trump in office. I told her the same. She did too. She believes God put him there to “wake us up.” I believe the nation did wake up. I think this past election stirred the atmosphere in an unprecedented way. Something was unleashed. I wrote about it last week. There is just something different happening which we have not ever seen before – at least in my lifetime.

I lived through the Vietnam War era. Someone had written recently about the turbulence in the McCarthy era. Yes, those were unsettled times. I believe this time is something completely different. There is no more middle ground. Obama wanted change. Trump advocated change to make America great again. Change is occurring radically throughout this world. It’s happening faster than we ever seen. But I don’t know what this change means for America. I don’t know God’s time or plan for America.

One thing I do know is God’s plan for Israel. I believe Trump is in office because of Israel. Whatever needs to be set in motion for the final days is God’s agenda. America is not in the Bible unless it’s hidden in terms I don’t understand. Israel is though. The things going on today is falling into place for the end time prophecies. Israel and Jerusalem are the stumbling blocks for all nations. And we see this happening before our eyes. America could be the blame for this. We have advocated for Jerusalem and for Israel since Trump came to office. The world is not too happy with us or with Israel.

In the end we are told from Scripture there will be a one world system. If this is the case, then everything we know in America has to be removed. The constitution could not stand in this new world order. Our freedoms will end. Our economy and our dollar will crash in order for the New World Government to rise. Everything that makes America, America – home of the free, home of the brave – will come to an end.

We are at a tipping point. The mid-term elections will be significant for our future. It is a hinge moment. I think this is one of those moments we need to plead for God to intervene once again. As followers of Jesus, we are the ones who can bring the change. We can ask the One on High to change hearts and minds to think and act more like Jesus. We can ask for a miracle to bring unity in this great nation. We can go boldly before Him and ask. And we know He listens to His people and responds when we pray in His will.

Maybe by His grace, we’ll be given more time to continue to be a great nation who advocates for the welfare of His people in Israel and to win more souls for the Kingdom. As Peter and John prayed in the beginning of the church age, let us do our part and stir the heavens for God’s glory. Let it be said of us we didn’t shrink back in these days but came with boldness to proclaim the Good News!

So now, Lord, listen to their threats to harm us. Empower us, as your servants, to speak the word of God freely and courageously. Stretch out your hand of power through us to heal, and to move in signs and wonders by the name of your holy Son, Jesus!”

At that moment the earth shook beneath them, causing the building they were in to tremble. Each one of them was filled with the Holy Spirit, and they proclaimed the word of God with unrestrained boldness. Acts 4:29-31 (TPT)

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One thought on “Unsettled Times

  1. Phyllis on said:

    Greetings my Friend!! I hope all is well. I too agree we are living in unprecedented times and I was just telling someone last week that Nov will be a turning point. Prayerfully we will start the process of being unified and not divided.

    Hope all is well.